Keynotes and tutorials

Mirco Musolesi (University College London)

Keynote: Sensing, Modelling and Understanding Human Behaviour from Mobile Data

Abstract: In the recent years, the emergence and widespread adoption of new technologies from social media to smartphones are rapidly changing the social sciences, since they allow researchers to analyse, study and model human behavior at a scale and at a granularity that were unthinkable just a few years ago. These developments can be seen as the emergence of a new data-driven and computation-based approach to social science research, usually referred to as “computational social science”.

In this talk I will discuss the work of my lab in a key area of this emerging discipline, namely the analysis and modelling of human behavioural patterns from mobile and sensor data. I will also give an overview of our work on mobile sensing for human behaviour modelling and prediction. I will present our ongoing projects in the area of mobile systems for mental health. In particular, I will show how mobile phones can be used to collect and analyse mobility patterns of individuals in order to quantitatively understand how mental health problems affect their daily routines and behaviour and how potential changes can be automatically detected. More in general, I will discuss our research directions in the area of anticipatory mobile computing, outlining open questions and opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Jérôme Härri (Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis)

Keynote: 5G Challenges for Connected, Cooperative and Automated Systems

Abstract: The Wifi-based V2X Communication technology ITS-G5 (a.k.a DSRC in the US) is the currently only market-ready solution to provide safety-critical V2X communications for future C-ITS applications, such as road hazard warning, lane-change warning or intersection-collision warning. Yet, future Connected Cooperative Automated Vehicles are expected to require ultra-reliable and low latency connectivity that neither the current WiFi technology or even the new Cellular V2X technology can provide. This talk will first provide a rapid overview of benefit of these future C-ITS applications as well as their expected communication requirements , then briefly review the state and capabilities of the current Wifi and Cellular V2X technologies, and finally describe the 5G challenges and roadmap  to meet the communication, networking and services required by these future Connected Cooperative Automated Vehicles.

Giuseppe Bianchi (Roma Tor Vergata)

Tutorial: Blockchains: a primer

Abstract: Today, the keyword blockchain can be found everywhere. Someone even considers it a must-have in incoming project proposals, to improve their success chances. Indeed, Blockchains are mentioned in relation to
a myriad of different applications, including but not limiting to crypto currencies, IoT smart contracts, digital identity, distributed cloud storage, and also… coffee (see e.g. here). When we made an effort, during the last couple of years, to understand what this technology is worth for, we faced several difficulties. Many papers, web sources, and even self-nominated experts we talked to, provided very different, often partial and contradictory, views. Motivated by our painful learning experience, and with no pretense at all to claim expertise, goal of this seminar is to try to save some time to newcomers. We will specifically attempt to clear some fog around such buzzword, by discussing what a blockchain is and which (significantly!) different types of blockchain may be considered, when blockchains are useful and when they are NOT (!), why (and how) blockchains relate to smart contracts, which concrete platforms are around, and what are the major research and deployment challenges and open issues.

Giuliana Zennaro (CRF, Torino)

Keynote: Connected Car and Digital Transformation

Abstract: The society demand of seamless connection is a key aspect to be considered in each technological domain. The automotive industry can be a part of this paradigm, giving its own interpretation. Being connected while driving is a different way of being part of the network, e.g in terms of contents and technologies. New technologies are coming, opening new opportunities, as the digital transformation.

Marcello Caleffi (Università di Napoli)

Tutorial: Network Design for Distributed Quantum Computing

Abstract: Very recently, researchers worldwide have started to devote massive efforts in designing and implementing quantum computation, with 50-qubit computing processors already built and 16-qubit processors available to researchers. Nevertheless, to fully unleash the ultimate vision of the quantum revolution, it is necessary to design and to implement quantum networks, able to connect distant quantum processors through remote quantum entanglement distribution. However, despite the tremendous progress of quantum technologies, long-distance efficient entanglement distribution still constitutes a key issue, and several key research issues must be addressed to design and eventually deploy quantum networks. This tutorial aims at providing the participants with a wide view about quantum networks and the unique challenges for transmitting quantum information.